Red Dog Communications s.a. Apps

WiFi Widget is now replaced by HotSpotID: WifiWidget app is no longer supported. Please getHotspotIDinstead.
HotspotID - WiFi Checker 1.1.0
HotspotID (HID) is the first (and only) app toprotect you against WiFi Pirates (a fake, or so-called rogue WiFiaccess point (AP)) and helps you stay safe on public and privateWiFi networks.How HID works:* HID fingerprints each WiFi connection you make and sends thecollected data to the HID server.* Each fingerprint includes ± 20 data points, depending on thephone model, network configuration and app settings.* On the server all fingerprints are registered and checked toverify you are connected to a legitimate access point not to a WiFiPirate. If a WiFi Pirate is detected HID will warn you and turn offWiFi on your phone. (This action can be managed in thesettings).* All fingerprint check results are tracked to calculate theoverall reputation for each corresponding access point. Thereputation is displayed in the app a green, yellow or red icon(looks like a WiFi person) in the right margin by the access pointname. The number of fingerprints on which the reputation is basedis displayed in brackets next to the reputation icon.* Standard use of HID is anonymous, but you can optionally registerto setup an account. When you are logged in you can give userratings on access points and you can save an AP in a "My Places"list. The features for registered users will be expanded in thefuture.App SettingsIn the settings you can configure the following parameters:* Automatic Fingerprinting : ON / OFF* Share phone location data : ON / OFF(The phone location data is ONLY used to register / verify thelocation of the access points you connect to.)* Mobile Data : ON / OFF(HID uses Wifi to connect to the server. But if no WiFi connectionis available, we can use Mobile Data to retrieve the reputationdata for all the access points in range and any given time).* Buzz / audio warning when a WiFi Pirate is detected : ON /OFF* Turn off WiFi when a WiFi Pirate is detected : YES / NOWiFi PiratesThis is a term we invented to label WiFi access points (AP) whichcould jeopardize your WiFi safety. They are also referred to asspoofed AP, rogue AP, Evil Twins, etc... Whatever they are called,in almost all cases they are setup by hackers or snoopers to trickyou in connecting to the Pirate, in order to steal private data orinject malware into your phone or computer. Unfortunately, up tonow (i.e. before HID came along) there have been no tools fornormal WiFi users to protect themselves against WiFi Pirates.Crowdsourcing & Sharing back to the community.HID is setup to collect live data for all the WiFi connections madeby all HID users. This is called crowdsourcing. This crowdsourceddata is used to; 1) verify each WiFi connection for each user inreal time and 2) calculate a reputation profile for each registeredaccess point based on all connections made. The more data wecollect for each access point, the more reliable the analysis willbe.In return for collecting this data, we share with the full usercommunity, in real time, the reputation data for all the accesspoints in our database, so that each user can benefit from the datacontributed by the whole community.So, the more users we get, the more data will be collected and themore reputation data will be produced to share with all users.